Tuesday, 17 January 2012

The Future of British Film - Lord Smith publishes his review of British film policy The Future of British Film - Lord Smith publishes his review of British film policy

Lord Smith said:
“British film is going through a golden period.  A run of British-made and British-based movies has been taking audiences around the world by storm.  But we cannot be complacent – this review highlights the things that the BFI, Government and industry can do to ensure that we continue to build on recent successes. British film is in prime position to make a major contribution to the growth of the UK’s economy, to the development of attractive and fulfilling careers for young people and to the creation of job opportunities across the country.” 
The report contains a total of 56 recommendations to Government, industry and the British Film Institute (BFI) including:
  • A new programme to bring film education into every school, giving every pupil the chance to see, understand and learn about British film. Film education has a vital role to play in ensuring that everyone in the UK has the opportunity to engage with film. By enhancing the stock of knowledge and information about film, in particular among children and young people, film education can assist in growing the audience of today and tomorrow, ensuring that audiences have an improved understanding and appreciation of different kinds of film, whilst stimulating creativity.
  • A call for the major broadcasters to invest more in the screening, acquisition and production of independent British film. Given that the majority of people still watch most of the films they see on television, an increased commitment to screening British films would also have an important impact on the vitality of cultural life in the UK. Similarly, the broadcasters could be a powerful force for sharing information and knowledge about the breadth of film available – through increased programming about film, online content and mobile ‘apps’.
  • Incentives ensuring a more collaborative approach between producers, directors and distributors which in turn will facilitate financing of projects. If public funding was used to encourage distribution and production companies to approach the financing and distribution of projects as equal partners, their financial interests would be brought into alignment and valuable commercial knowledge could be exchanged to the wider long-term benefit of the industry.
  • A strong commitment to combat piracy and illegal exploitation of intellectual property. Copyright infringement and theft is one of the major factors behind declining revenues. The creative industries make the biggest use of copyright and design by contributing over £36 billion to the economy, supporting 1.5 million jobs. To maximise this important contribution to the economy, and to further economic growth, an effective strategy for significantly reducing copyright infringement and theft is vital.
  • A scheme to bring digital screens and projectors to village and community halls across the country. The Big Lottery Fund and BFI should work together to create a programme of assistance for local film clubs and societies in areas of rural deprivation or isolation, including the provision of screening facilities for village and community halls.
  • An annual celebration, focused on a British Film Week, to re-establish the brand of British film. The Panel would like to see the BFI working closely with distributors and exhibitors on an annual celebration which would provide audiences across the UK with access to the full spectrum of British film, giving them a greater insight into its breadth, depth and originality. 
  • Stronger investment in training and skills development, especially to seize new technology opportunities. The development of skills and talent provides the backbone which underpins the success of the entire film sector in the UK; from production, sales, distribution, and exhibition to archive.  If the UK is to maintain its competitive position in a digital age, it must continue to invest in the development of that talent and those skills.  
download the full report here

animation was quite poorly represented. I did not search for SFX.